Pelsall Evangelical Church Sermons

Tim Smylie


Sunday Oct 22, 2023

Colossians 1:15-20 - Tim Smylie
Jesus the Son of God is:
Lord of all creation (vv15-17)
Lord of the new creation (vv18-20) 

05 - Still in the ruins

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

Lamentations 5 - Tim Smylie
 Look, LORD, at our ruined inheritance (vv1-18)
Come, LORD, and restore our inheritance (vv19-22)

02 - Knowing God

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

Colossians 1:9-14 - Tim Smylie
True knowledge of God involves:
Learning what is important to him (v9)
Living to please him (vv10-12a)
Enjoying his rescue and his gift (vv12b-14)

01 - Foundations

Sunday Oct 08, 2023

Sunday Oct 08, 2023

Colossians 1:1-8 - Tim Smylie
The context of true spirituality (vv1-4)
- a loving community united by faith in Jesus
The motivation of true spirituality (vv5-6a)
- a clear and secure hope for the future
The result of true spirituality (vv6b-8)
- a fruitfulness that fulfils our deepest purpose

04 - The high price of sin

Sunday Oct 01, 2023

Sunday Oct 01, 2023

Lamentations 4 - Tim Smylie
 Lost glory (vv1-10)
Lost foundations (vv11-20)
The price must be paid (vv21-22)

Sunday Sep 24, 2023

Lamentations 3 - Tim Smylie
A believer’s personal experience (vv1-24)
Bitter darkness and crushed hope (vv1-18)
Reborn hope through focussing on the proven character of God (vv19-24)
A believer’s wise counsel (vv25-47)
Seek God, and wait patiently for his goodness (vv25-26)
Own up to sin, and seek his mercy (vv27-47)
A believer’s prayer for justice (vv48-66) 

Sunday Sep 17, 2023

Lamentations 2 - Tim Smylie
The strangeness of God’s anger:
Shows the seriousness of sin (vv1-10)
Means there is hope for mercy (vv11-22)

01 - In the ruins

Sunday Sep 03, 2023

Sunday Sep 03, 2023

Lamentations 1 - Tim Smylie
Caring for the ruined city (vv1-11)- caring about sin, and those ruined by sin
When we are part of the ruined city (vv12-22)- “the LORD is righteous”

Jesus - Lord of history

Sunday Jul 23, 2023

Sunday Jul 23, 2023

Revelation 5 - Tim Smylie
Who is worthy? (vv1-4)
the problem of the sealed scroll
The one who is worthy (vv5-10)
the triumphant Lion who is the slain Lamb
Worthy of worship (vv11-14)

51 - Follow me

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

John 21:15-25 - -Tim Smylie
Some of us are called to follow Jesus:
On the other side of dramatic failure (vv15-17)
Through significant suffering (vv18-19)
By a long life of steady, faithful witness (vv20-24)
Together we follow
The eternal Lord (v25)

50 - Our Provider

Sunday Jul 02, 2023

Sunday Jul 02, 2023

John 21:1-14 - Tim Smylie
Fishing on the lake – Jesus provides a net full of fish (vv1-8)
- our risen Saviour makes our mission a success
Breakfast on the beach – Jesus provides a meal (vv9-14)
- our risen Saviour offers us his personal care  

49 - Peace be with you

Sunday Jun 25, 2023

Sunday Jun 25, 2023

John 20:19-31 - Tim Smylie
Two reasons for followers of the risen Jesus to have peace:
God is carrying on his mission of salvation through us (vv19-23)
- that mission centres on proclaiming forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus
God has provided clear evidence that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God (vv24-31)
- that evidence consists of eye-witness testimony

48 - A new reality

Sunday Jun 18, 2023

Sunday Jun 18, 2023

John 20:1-18 - Tim Smylie
Jesus’ resurrection defined our own resurrection hope (vv1-10)
Enhanced and immortal
Jesus’ resurrection marked the start of a new relationship between us and God (vv11-18)

Sunday Jun 11, 2023

John 19:31-42 - Tim Smylie
We cannot ignore the crucified Son of God (vv31-37)
He is especially precious to God the Father (vv32-33, 36)
Cleansing and life flow to us from his death (vv34, 37)
Recognizing the truth about the crucified Son produces courage and reverence in us (vv38-42)

46 - It is finished

Sunday Jun 04, 2023

Sunday Jun 04, 2023

John 19:16b-30  - Tim Smylie
On the cross Jesus accomplished the work that:
Displays his kingship to the world (vv16b-22)
Delivers the everlasting salvation anticipated in the Old Testament (vv23-24)

45 - Here is your king

Sunday May 21, 2023

Sunday May 21, 2023

John 19:1-16a - Tim Smylie
The Majestic One submits to being mocked as weak and pathetic (vv1-5)
The Son of God submits to being rejected as a blasphemer (vv6-11)
The True King submits to being condemned for treason (vv12-16a)

Sunday May 14, 2023

John 18:28-40 - Tim Smylie
Jesus’ kingdom is:
The kingdom of salvation from another world (vv28-32)
The kingdom of truth from another world (vv33-40)

Sunday May 07, 2023

John 18:1-27 - Tim Smylie
I am he” – faithfulness in the garden (vv1-11)
“I am not” – failure in the courtyard (vv12-27)

Sunday Apr 30, 2023

John 17:20-26 -  Tim Smylie
With regard to the Church - that the Church will:
Be united (vv20-23)
- believing the Son has made the Father known
- displaying the same oneness of purpose and love as the Father and the Son
Grow in fellowship with God (vv24-26)
- until it enjoys perfect fellowship with him 

Sunday Apr 23, 2023

John 17:6-19 - Tim Smylie
With regard to his disciples: Jesus prays for us:-
Because we belong to God (v6-10)
So that we will be protected by God…(v11-16) (from the spiritual attacks of the evil one) order to live for God (v17-19) (as his Word makes us dedicated to God)

Sunday Apr 02, 2023

John 17:1-5 - Tim Smylie
With regard to himself:
To display his Father’s goodness (v1)
To give us his Father’s gift (vv2-3)
To do all his Father’s will (v4)
To be with his Father (v5)

39 - First, the cross

Sunday Mar 26, 2023

Sunday Mar 26, 2023

John 16:16-33 - Tim Smylie
The “little while” of grief that led to unshakeable joy (vv16-28)
- the anguish of the cross opened the way to intimacy with our loving Father (vv23-28)
That “little while” lets us experience peace in a world full of trouble (vv29-33)
- the crucial victory has already been won at the cross (v33)

38 - The Spirit of truth

Sunday Mar 19, 2023

Sunday Mar 19, 2023

John 16:4b-15 - Tim Smylie
The Spirit of truth:
Convinces the world of the truth about itself (vv4b-11)
a gracious work that brings people to Jesus
Guides Jesus’ followers in the truth of Jesus (vv12-15)
He guided Jesus’ first followers to produce the New Testament
He guides us as we seek to understand and apply the New Testament

37 - This is not a game

Sunday Mar 05, 2023

Sunday Mar 05, 2023

John 15:18-16:4a - Tim Smylie
“A servant is not greater than his master” – the world that hated Jesus will hate his followers too (15:18-25)
“You also must testify” – Jesus’ followers join the Holy Spirit in witnessing to the truth about Jesus (15:26-27)
“So that you will not fall away” – Jesus’ followers must be prepared to pay the ultimate cost (16:1-4a) 

36 - I am the true vine

Sunday Feb 26, 2023

Sunday Feb 26, 2023

John 15:1-17 - Tim Smylie
“Remain in me” – Jesus is the source of a fruitful life (vv1-8)
Remaining in Jesus means letting his word fill and direct our life (vv3&7)
“Remain in my love” – a fruitful (and joyful) life is a loving life (vv9-17)
Remaining in Jesus’ love results in us loving each other as he has loved us (vv12&17)

Sunday Feb 19, 2023

John 14:15-31 - Tim Smylie
Today God “makes his home” with those who love Jesus (vv15-27)
Loving Jesus means obeying him (vv15, 21, 23-24)
Our security flows from the love between the Father and the Son (vv28-31)

Sunday Feb 12, 2023

John 14:1-14 - Tim Smylie
Jesus’ “going away” to the cross has prepared a future for us in his Father’s presence (vv1-3)
Jesus is “the way” to know the Father (vv4-11)
Jesus now does “greater things” on earth through us – reaping the rewards of his work on the cross (vv12-14)

Sunday Feb 05, 2023

John 13:18-38 - Tim Smylie
No one is as strong as they think they are:
Not those who aim to get rid of Jesus – he has power over the darkness (vv18-30)
Nor those who aim to follow Jesus – we depend on the power of his victory (vv31-38)

32 - He made himself nothing

Sunday Jan 29, 2023

Sunday Jan 29, 2023

John 13:1-17 - Tim Smylie
Jesus washed his disciples’ feet:
To explain his death on the cross (vv1-11)
He humbled himself completely to cleanse us completely 
To show what it means to follow him (vv12-17)
He humbled himself to set a pattern for us

Sunday Jan 22, 2023

John 12:34-50 - Tim Smylie
Belief in Jesus is our urgent responsibility (vv34-36)
Human unbelief also plays a part in God’s salvation plan (vv37-41)
God’s salvation comes through human unbelief (vv37-38)
Unbelief is God’s punishment on human sin (vv39-41)
 Secret belief falls short of real belief (vv42-50)

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