Pelsall Evangelical Church Sermons



12 - Life Together

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

Sunday Feb 20, 2022

James 5:12-20 - Tim Smylie
Trustworthiness (v12)
Prayer (vv13-18)
Normal, everyday prayer (v13)
Extraordinary prayer (vv14-15)
A powerful ministry for every Christian (vv16-18)
Rescue (vv19-20)

Sunday Feb 13, 2022

James 5:7-11 - Tim Smylie
Looks forward to our Lord’s return (vv7-8)
Serves our Lord, instead of bickering with our brothers and sisters (vv9-10)
Trusts our Lord’s proven character (v11)

10 - Wealth is serious

Sunday Feb 06, 2022

Sunday Feb 06, 2022

James 5:1-6 - Tim Smylie
It’s a false saviour (vv1-2)
It’s not for keeping (vv3-4)
It’s not for living as well as we can either (vv5-6)

09 - Let God be God

Sunday Jan 30, 2022

Sunday Jan 30, 2022

James 4:11-17 - Tim Smylie
Let God be God:-
In the lives of other Christians (vv11-12)
they answer to him, and so do you
Of your own plans (vv13-17)
he is sovereign, and he has shown us what is good

08 - One love

Sunday Jan 23, 2022

Sunday Jan 23, 2022

James 4:4-10 - Tim Smylie
Choose to love God – again! (vv4-6)
Fight to be faithful – enjoying God’s grace (vv7-10)

07 - True wisdom

Sunday Jan 16, 2022

Sunday Jan 16, 2022

James 3:13-4:3 - Tim Smylie
True wisdom.....
Is shown in actions, not just words (3:13a)
Produces humility in us, not pride (3:13b-16)
Sows peace around us, not war (3:17-4:2a)
Prays, and prays for God’s sake (4:2b-3)

06 - Words matter

Sunday Jan 09, 2022

Sunday Jan 09, 2022

James 3:1-12 - Tim Smylie
Our words are incredibly powerful (vv1-5a)
Our words tend to be destructive (vv5b-8)
Our words reveal the state of our heart (vv9-12)

05 - True and false faith

Sunday Jan 02, 2022

Sunday Jan 02, 2022

James 2:14-26 - Tim Smylie
False faith doesn’t produce actions (vv14-19)
 - it only says the rights things (vv14-17)
 - or only believes the right things (vv18-19)
True faith does produce actions (vv20-26)
 - Abraham’s true faith (vv21-24)
 - Rahab’s true faith (vv25-26)

04 - The royal law

Sunday Dec 12, 2021

Sunday Dec 12, 2021

James 2:1-13 - Tim Smylie.
In God’s kingdom, impressive appearances don’t matter (vv1-7)
II. In God’s kingdom, loving your neighbour matters (vv8-13)

03 - Faultless religion

Sunday Dec 05, 2021

Sunday Dec 05, 2021

James 1:19-27 - Tim Smylie
Listen carefully – receive God’s life-changing word (vv19-21)
Quieten your demanding heart (vv19-20)
Set aside distracting sin (v21)
Obey carefully – put God’s life-claiming word into practice (vv22-27)
Self-discipline, service, and separation (vv26-27)

02 - Perfect gifts

Sunday Nov 28, 2021

Sunday Nov 28, 2021

James 1:9-18 - Tim
Wisdom for the trials of poverty and wealth (vv9-12)
Keep your focus on true, eternal riches.
Hope for the battle with our deadly desires (vv13-18)
God has begun his new creation work in you  

01 - Pure joy

Sunday Nov 21, 2021

Sunday Nov 21, 2021

James 1:1-8 - Tim Smylie
Wholeness – God’s goal for us (vv1-4)
- don’t run from the process that makes you whole.
Wholehearted – God’s commitment to us (vv5-8)
 - don’t try to live with a divided heart

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