Pelsall Evangelical Church Sermons



11 - We need to talk

Sunday Dec 31, 2023

Sunday Dec 31, 2023

Colossians 4:2-18 - Tim Smylie
We need to talk....
Persistently to God – about our lives and the spread of the gospel (vv2-4)
Carefully to outsiders – with boldness and sensitivity (vv5-6)
Affectionately to one another – with interest in the big and the little things (vv7-18)

10 - Breaking old moulds

Sunday Dec 17, 2023

Sunday Dec 17, 2023

Colossians 3:18 - 4:1 - Tim Smylie
Wives and husbands (3:18-19)
Children and parents (3:20-21)
Slaves and masters (3:22-4:1)

09 - A new people in Christ

Sunday Dec 10, 2023

Sunday Dec 10, 2023

Colossians 3:11-17 - Tim Smylie
As a new people in Christ we are called to:
Display the unity we have in Christ (vv11-14)
Tune our hearts to the peace we have in Christ (vv15-17)

08 - New life in Christ

Sunday Dec 03, 2023

Sunday Dec 03, 2023

Colossians 3:1-10 - Tim Smylie
The art of living our new life in Christ involves:I. Learning our new orientation – to Christ’s rule over all (vv1-4)II. Developing our new character – leaving old ways behind (vv5-10)

Sunday Nov 26, 2023

Colossians 2:16-23 - Tim Smylie
Spiritual reality is found in Christ – not in special regulations (vv16-17)
Spiritual progress comes through relationship with Christ – not through incredible experiences (vv18-19)
So pursue true maturity – not just the appearance of maturity (vv20-23)

06 - Freedom in Christ

Sunday Nov 19, 2023

Sunday Nov 19, 2023

Colossians 2:8-15 - Tim Smylie
True freedom is only found in Christ (vv8-10)
He has freed us from: (vv11-15)
Our present slavery to sin (vv11-12)
Our past record of sin (vv13-14)
All other powers (v15)

05 - Christ our treasury

Sunday Nov 05, 2023

Sunday Nov 05, 2023

Colossians 1:28 - 2:7 - Tim Smylie
 Jesus Christ has everything you need for wholeness… (1:28-2:3)
. …so pursue wholeness in him – not anywhere else (2:4-7)

04 - Saints and servants

Sunday Oct 29, 2023

Sunday Oct 29, 2023

Colossians 1:21-27 - Tim Smylie
Those who belong to Jesus Christ are:I. Saints, sharing in the reconciliation won by the suffering of his physical body on the cross (vv21-23)II. Servants, sharing in his ongoing suffering for the sake of his body, the church (vv24-27)

Sunday Oct 22, 2023

Colossians 1:15-20 - Tim Smylie
Jesus the Son of God is:
Lord of all creation (vv15-17)
Lord of the new creation (vv18-20) 

02 - Knowing God

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

Sunday Oct 15, 2023

Colossians 1:9-14 - Tim Smylie
True knowledge of God involves:
Learning what is important to him (v9)
Living to please him (vv10-12a)
Enjoying his rescue and his gift (vv12b-14)

01 - Foundations

Sunday Oct 08, 2023

Sunday Oct 08, 2023

Colossians 1:1-8 - Tim Smylie
The context of true spirituality (vv1-4)
- a loving community united by faith in Jesus
The motivation of true spirituality (vv5-6a)
- a clear and secure hope for the future
The result of true spirituality (vv6b-8)
- a fruitfulness that fulfils our deepest purpose

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